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Thought Leaders Newsletters

Regular ideas on how to run a commercially successful Thought Leaders practice. 

2 min read

Found and Phoned

Who have you found and who have you phoned?

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2 min read

What Drives You

Act as if your lived experience has been shaping and forming the insights you can share with the world because that's exactly what they do!

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2 min read


Thought Leadership is thinking in action.

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2 min read


Imagine you are good enough already.

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1 min read

Fully Self-expressed

We have so many different SELF labels in the world; the idea of being self-expressed needs some unpacking.

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3 min read

Wisdom on Holding Thoughts Lightly

Buddha said that with our thoughts, we create the world. My teachers say that he was addressing the idea that the world of phenomena is created in...

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2 min read


What is the point of having loads of expertise and experience if no one knows about it?

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2 min read

Creating Solutions

In a world full of problems, there has never been a better time to be a solution creator! Solutions are required everywhere. No time to read the...

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1 min read

On Boundaries

"It is said that in order not to break our vow of compassion we have to learn when to stop aggression and draw the line. There are times when the...

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2 min read


Passion creates energy and effort becomes a by-product of that energy.

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1 min read

React and Respond

Two of my favourite things are thinking and action.

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2 min read

The Book You Wish You Had Written

As thought leaders running commercially successful practices, I thought we might talk this week about books.

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