Inspired by the Company We Keep

Running a commercially successful thought leaders practice creates a tension between being a distinct individual in the world and feeling part of something bigger than you.

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Here at Thought Leaders, we have worked on making this explicit and named the cultural dynamic 'Together Alone'.

Each and every thought leader is running their own million-dollar practice, or on their way to doing so. This goal requires strong independent systems, practices, and positioning. It's for this reason, we often counsel early-stage thought leaders to be careful participating in too many collaborative projects. Multi-author books can feel easy in the early stages but you might be wiser to write your own first. Collaborate from a position of strength. Your brand being a bonus to your collaborators.

At the same time, some things are just not worth reinventing. We have so many diverse successful thought leaders in our community that you are sure to find one with a methodology or approach that you can model and adapt with integrity and as such make your path easier.

When you are alone in the world as a subject matter expert, it helps to see new and different possibilities for success. Our community does that, you become inspired by the community you keep.

For those in the community, keep looking for your circle of people within the community who can help you along your journey. Be a contributor to their success and operate together alone.

For those who are thinking of or currently running a thought leaders consultancy, it might be time you came in from the cold and meet great people, doing great things. We are all continuously inspired by the company we keep here.

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

Lots of love.

Matt Church SIGNATURE UNDERLINE BLACK transparent bgrnd (1)


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