2 min read
The Lazy Chat
Don't use CHAT GPT for your newsletters and blogs.
2 min read
Don't use CHAT GPT for your newsletters and blogs.
1 min read
Having a lot of IP is a blessing and a curse.
2 min read
What's your 'open house' strategy?
1 min read
Selling things that are necessary, nice, and indulgent!
1 min read
So much of the time, the thing that's stopping a thought leader's success is the stories they tell themselves that just aren't true.
2 min read
Imagine a world where everyone did work that they love. Work that lit them up. A world where people did things that they were passionate about.
1 min read
It is International Women’s Day today.
1 min read
What might your next annoyance gift you?
2 min read
Six things that I think we all need to do in 2023.
1 min read
Our curriculum teaches that a thought leader has three jobs: to think, to sell, and to share what they know.
2 min read
Spending time deciding and designing the outcome is never wasted time.