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Thought Leaders Newsletters

Regular ideas on how to run a commercially successful Thought Leaders practice. 

2 min read

Being Self-employed

Imagine a world where everyone did work that they love. Work that lit them up. A world where people did things that they were passionate about.

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1 min read

International Women’s Day

It is International Women’s Day today.

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1 min read

What Annoyance Teaches You

What might your next annoyance gift you?

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2 min read

Six Things We All Need To Do In 2023

Six things that I think we all need to do in 2023.

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1 min read

Your Three Jobs

Our curriculum teaches that a thought leader has three jobs: to think, to sell, and to share what they know.

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2 min read

How to Write a Book

Spending time deciding and designing the outcome is never wasted time.

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1 min read

The Four Hidden Roles of Thought Leaders

No matter how your expertise turns up, it's worth stepping into these four foundational roles.

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1 min read

Inspired by the Company We Keep

Running a commercially successful thought leaders practice creates a tension between being a distinct individual in the world and feeling part of...

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3 min read

Why You Should Write a Book

What has stopped you or is stopping you from writing your first or next book?

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2 min read

Being Gentle on Yourself

The journey to success as a thought leader running a commercially successful practice has stretch, growth, and increase, and makes some demands on...

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2 min read

Being Thorough

What would it take for you to be thorough?

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