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Thought Leaders Newsletters

Regular ideas on how to run a commercially successful Thought Leaders practice. 


1 min read

Positioning Bias

When you build a practice with positioning as your highest impact activity, you develop a different attitude to traditional sales and marketing or...

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3 min read

Why You Should Write a Book

What has stopped you or is stopping you from writing your first or next book?

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2 min read


What is the point of having loads of expertise and experience if no one knows about it?

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1 min read

Alone Together or Together Alone

The game of being a thought leader is one of standing out and not fitting in. As such, you might have a tendency to be an outlier perhaps even a...

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1 min read

Purpose and Positioning

I love the concept of “Who you are is why you are here.”

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1 min read

A Game Of Make Believe

So much of what you do as a Thought Leader is playing a game of make believe. We are selling the invisible (a service) and as such we will often...

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2 min read

The Subtle Activities

As you know Lisa O'Neill and I are taking turns sharing thoughts on what it takes to be commercially successful as a thought leader running a...

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