Six Things We All Need To Do In 2023

Six things that I think we all need to do in 2023.

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  1. Embrace technology.

    Pick something new and get into it. Try a new app. Play on a new platform. Technology is moving so fast that we must also be continuously learning if we are going to have any hope at all of keeping up. It is no longer an option to say "I’m not good with technology." Technology is life. The world is full of QR codes and AI and Bluetooth everything. Lift your tech game.

  2. Know your gaps.

    What do you need? The world has changed so much in the past three years. What I have learnt from so much uncertainty is that we need to be certain about ourselves. We need to know what we are doing, what we need, and what we want. You might have a gap in capability. Something you want or need to learn. You might have a gap in equipment. Something that needs upgrading, replacing, or purchasing that will enhance your life.

  3. Think big.

    It’s time to lift your game. We are all running out of time. Take some time to consider the impact you want to have. The legacy that you want to leave. There is no better time than now - what are you waiting on?

  4. Start small.

    Small steps are the way - stop putting off your awesomeness. Stop waiting for the conditions to be perfect.

    Break down the plan. Eat the elephant. Overwhelm stops way too many ideas! No matter how small - doing something every day that get you closer to the goal you have set or the plan that you have is everything. Small steps may not get you there today but you will be closer to your goal tomorrow.

  5. Be thirsty.

    Soak stuff up. Get busy and get help. Find people who can help. Services that will make you more efficient. Research people who could add value to your world. Read articles written by people you admire. Follow the threads that will lead you to the outcome you are dreaming of.

  6. Create your own urgency.

    Being great rarely has a deadline. We get tricked into believing that we have time. When you have a dream and can feel a calling, you need to act as if it’s urgent. Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in her book "Big Magic" that ‘people don’t have ideas - ideas have people.’ She talks about ideas as butterflies that land on the shoulders of people. I love this as an idea. Consider what action you need to take to show the world that you are running with this idea! That you are working on it. It is a flaw in most humans that we put off important stuff. Make sure that the biggest thing in your world has the most time in your diary!

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.


Lisa O'Neill

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