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Thought Leaders Newsletters

Regular ideas on how to run a commercially successful Thought Leaders practice. 

2 min read

Can't Not Do

What is that thing, as a thought leader, that you can’t not do? This double negative is intentional. Try to resist the urge to rewrite it to "can do"...

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2 min read

Selling You is Different

There are lots of ways to do business. We teach two clear ways that a thought leader can be commercially smart in a practice: The first is going for...

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1 min read

Know Your Worth, Be of Service, Get Paid

Commercial conviction removes the need to be convincing. Historically, selling has been presented as a series of sales techniques and negotiation...

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1 min read

Discounting Days

We teach thought leaders to be commercially smart with their practices. Discounting then becomes one of the topics that comes up all the time. Here...

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3 min read


Asking for help has always been a challenge for me. I was raised as a helpful and capable human who was well trained to be able to take care of...

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2 min read


Thought leadership is an energy game. Your energy introduces you before you do. I am always blown away that people can tell where you are at, even if...

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1 min read


When I first read the 'green book' - Thought Leaders Curriculum, I was captivated with the line "do work you love, with people you like the way you...

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2 min read


I don't love the use of guarantees when it comes to a Thought Leaders practice. If I were a watchmaker, I could guarantee the watch you buy from me...

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3 min read

Being Fully Self-expressed

Last Saturday, we were doing a session at Business School and a student asked, "How can I be fully self-expressed?"

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2 min read

Truth is Truth

As a thought leader, you may have a moment of understanding where you seemingly discover a great idea, think it's unique, only to discover it already...

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2 min read

Changing Your Beliefs

I spend a lot of my time speaking to people about their beliefs. When we say the word 'belief’, we often think of big things like; Do you believe in...

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2 min read


If you are a thought leader, I think one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to be inspired.

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