1 min read
We are dealing with another lockdown in New Zealand. Things we were certain about last week suddenly became uncertain. Things got cancelled. Things...
2 min read
As you know Lisa O'Neill and I are taking turns sharing thoughts on what it takes to be commercially successful as a thought leader running a...
1 min read
Last week a few hundred thought leaders gathered online for our quarterly Thought Leaders Business School Conference. We call this event our...
2 min read
I have always loved self improvement. I am lucky I was born positive, so I Iook at improvement as and opportunity rather than being deficit focussed.
3 min read
’Fitting in’ is a huge part of being human. Often we create stories around fitting in. I've had many conversations with students at our live...
1 min read
As part of the thought leaders practice strategy we teach the six modes of delivery. You can read about these in detail in any of our books on...
1 min read
Welcome to this new series of newsletters and posts focused on how you as a Thought Leader, lead your practice.
3 min read
I love eating. I always have. I worked out very early in life that getting good at cooking was a good idea for someone who loved to eat. I also love...