2 min read
I don't love the use of guarantees when it comes to a Thought Leaders practice. If I were a watchmaker, I could guarantee the watch you buy from me...
2 min read
I don't love the use of guarantees when it comes to a Thought Leaders practice. If I were a watchmaker, I could guarantee the watch you buy from me...
3 min read
Last Saturday, we were doing a session at Business School and a student asked, "How can I be fully self-expressed?"
2 min read
As a thought leader, you may have a moment of understanding where you seemingly discover a great idea, think it's unique, only to discover it already...
2 min read
I spend a lot of my time speaking to people about their beliefs. When we say the word 'belief’, we often think of big things like; Do you believe in...
2 min read
If you are a thought leader, I think one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to be inspired.
1 min read
The game of being a thought leader is one of standing out and not fitting in. As such, you might have a tendency to be an outlier perhaps even a...
2 min read
I am not normal. Never have been - hopefully never will be!
2 min read
Our Thought Leaders CEO, Lisa O'Neill, was explaining to our comms marketing team about the precious commodity that is our students' attention. She...
1 min read
I love the concept of “Who you are is why you are here.”
1 min read
There is a lot of chatter around what's not possible at the moment. There are still places that can't fly (in or out), there are limited conferences...
1 min read
At Thought Leaders Business School we ‘teach clever people to be commercially smart’. Paying for, and being offered, something you apparently want...
1 min read
So much of what you do as a Thought Leader is playing a game of make believe. We are selling the invisible (a service) and as such we will often...