Know Your Worth, Be of Service, Get Paid

Commercial conviction removes the need to be convincing.

Historically, selling has been presented as a series of sales techniques and negotiation strategies all built around the ABCs, (always be closing). The central premise is that people don't know a good idea straight up and so we need to pique their interest (marketing) and encourage them to 'part with their money' (selling). Literally, the focus is to get money out of their pocket and into yours. If you think this feels a bit like sleight of hand or akin to pickpocketing, you might not be far off. This is why thought leaders learn the art of selling with soul. It's about standing in the conviction of your value rather than taking time to convince others that what you have is of value.

You can see that here in the six business-building activities and the difference between the three below the line and three above the line activities. All six drive the business forward. The top three are the critical first-order actions for running a practice around your
Growth Strategies croppedElectromagnetically, when you come from a place of conviction, you are attractive, not repulsive. You focus more on setting up the conditions for people to 'buy' rather than needing to do anything to 'sell' them. There is a lot in this process but a few thoughts to help you resist the typical narrative of being purely 'sales making' and make the move towards 'invitation giving'. Consider this:
  1. Know your worth. Get clear on how what you do makes a difference to the condition of others.
  2. Be of service. Actively focus on the kind of work you would do regardless of whether anyone would pay you or not.
  3. Get paid. Don't do it for free unless the delivery is in some way moving you towards doing it for a fee down the track.

These three recommendations link back to the core propositions at an energetic level of the Thought Leaders Practice Game, namely, that you are fully self-expressed, in service to others, and rewarded for the contributions you make.

Know your worth, be of service, get paid.

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.

Matt Church

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