Creating Solutions

In a world full of problems, there has never been a better time to be a solution creator!  Solutions are required everywhere.


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There are so many answers to the question: What is a thought leader?

One answer that I love is that Thought leaders are Intellectual Property Developers.

If property developers are people who convert ideas from paper to property, managing the process of development from beginning to the end, thought leaders convert thinking into solutions. We manage the process of developing our thinking from a concept to a commercial outcome.

In a world full of problems, there has never been a better time to be a solution creator!  Solutions are required everywhere.

What is the problem that your thought leadership solves?
Who has that problem?

The cluster strategy combines the simple genius of an idea someone values, with someone who cares, delivered in a way that works. There is nothing more rewarding than creating an idea that solves a problem.

Many of us have changed the way we deliver our solutions - but have you done an audit on the solutions that you offer?
How have the past two years changed the solutions that you offer?
Who are you now working with?
Who needs you right now?
Who has the problems that your IP solves?

The process of selling solutions has four steps: 

  1. Create it. 

    You need the right offer.
    You need to decide on the message, the market, the mode. Identify the value and the price. The more time you spend getting your offer right the higher the chance of success will be.

  2. Believe it.

    You need the right energy.
    Check in with your belief, your conviction, and how are you feeling. The first sale is to yourself. Make sure you believe in the offer you are presenting and that you believe in your ability to provide the value you are claiming to.

  3. Offer it.

    You need the right people.
    Find the people, the industries, and the markets that have the problem your IP can solve. For some of you, this is easy - you have an existing database of clients. You already have sales momentum. Some of you are pre-momentum. You think you are starting from scratch. You’re not. You know people. Quality is more important than quantity. Get clear about who you know - map a path to decision-makers.

  4. Deliver it

    You need to do the work.
    Speak, Train, Coach, Write, Facilitate, Mentor. Give your client amazing value and ask for testimonials.

“ A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” - Duke Ellington


If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.


Lisa O'Neill

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