
At Thought Leaders Business School we ‘teach clever people to be commercially smart’. Paying for, and being offered, something you apparently want and then not taking advantage of it is simply not clever! 

This was my story when I started at Business School. I resisted doing the work. I resisted being compliant! I had ‘bought the curriculum’ but not ‘bought into my success’. For years I had been complaining that I did not know what to do to be better at selling myself, how to price myself and how to get a system to organise my IP. I now had everything I needed to solve all of these problems and yet I was resisting. I found Thought Leaders, I paid the money and then I didn’t do the work!

Money is the easiest currency to transfer - how often have you paid money for something and then not turned up?! So often we pay money in hope that we will get a solution. But the solution doesn’t work unless we do.

Clever people are very good at getting in their own way - very good at complicating things ultimately blocking our own success! This is, of course, not conscious but it is definitely real. I love the book The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer. I highlighted this quote and have it on my office wall.

“Do whatever is put in front of you with all your heart and soul without regard for personal results. Do the work as though it were given to you by the universe itself – because it was.”

Not doing the work is the easiest way to stay small. It is the easiest way to prove to the world that your long held belief has been right all along - that you aren’t good enough after all!

Whatever you are currently resisting is blocking your potential. Your success is on the other side of what you are avoiding!

What are you NOT doing right now? What work are you resisting the most? 

  1. Fighting the process of capturing your thinking? Surrender to Pink!

  2. Convinced you are no good at sales? Surrender to Green!

  3. Scared of showing your expertise to the world? Surrender to Positioning! 

Resistance creates suffering - and creating your own suffering is simply not clever!

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.

Lisa O'Neill

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