The World Needs You

Write that book, deliver that TED talk, build a world-class system around the intellectual property that exists at the intersection of what you know, what you have done, and who you are.

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The world needs you!

Well, to be clear the world may not even know you exist!

But I'm certain that if you spent some time thinking about what you have done, what you know, and who you are - the world would gain enormous benefit from your lived experience.

Not everyone will love it, and what you say might change over time. Yet, the world is better when you show up and share thoughts that matter. Not food photos, not 'my best life' comparisons but stuff that makes a difference to the human condition at work and at life.

That's what it means to be a thought leader. Making a difference and making money by doing so.

If innovation is the commercial application of creativity, then thought leadership is the commercial application of knowledge. Ask then,

"What is your point of view?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Who would care about your insights?"

These questions force you to develop insights that are clear and welcome.

You don't become a speaker, you don't write books, you don't coach. You have something to say that generates speaking, coaching and publishing opportunities. Equally, it's not about simply having knowledge or expertise. it's about doing the work to share that with the world. You can't sell a secret. While an expert knows something a thought leader is known for knowing something.

This takes courage.

So let's talk about that...

Some will criticise you.
Some will be offended by you.
Many will resent you.
People will throw rocks, take shots, and generally rail against your commitment to an ideal.

Here at Thought Leaders, we are all about empowering great people to believe that what they have to share with the world has value and then working alongside them to make that possible. We also work with people who know that their stuff is good, great even but don't know how to get it out into the world. Write that book, deliver that TED talk, build a world-class system around the intellectual property that exists at the intersection of what you know, what you have done, and who you are.

But know that it is an act of courage.

You - self-expressed, in service to others and rewarded for your contributions. Tick, Tick, Tick.

That's a life well-lived.

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.

Matt Church

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