It's Never Really About the Money

What drives you to do what you do?
Is it money? 
We find that thought leaders rarely answer yes to that question. This is why we often say, "it's not about the money and it's all about the money!" Thought leaders can sometimes get mixed up on the subjects of making money and making an impact. They think that one can't go without the other. We think (well we actually know) they can and our whole process is about helping you to align the impact you make with the rewards you receive. 
This is way beyond the metaphysics of manifestation or the prosperity preaching of the '80s. This is about you making a measurable impact with your work and being compensated for it. Money is not the only measure of value, in areas like education and healthcare, and public service, for example, we can measure impact and contribution in non-monetary ways. Money is not the only measure of value but it is a great indicator of commitment. And this is how we think many people can reframe their relationship with money. Think of money as a measure of commitment. It shows you are committed to doing great.
Money is not the highest commitment currency but it is a tangible one. Paying to join a gym doesn't mean you will work out but it's a start. Paying you for your services is a great initial currency of commitment. We play in the commercial space here at thought leaders so that great thinkers can become financially free and place themselves firmly in the seat of emancipation and agency when it comes to how they work and live. 
We think that when you get to do work you love, with people you like, the way you want and that you get to do this living an extraordinary life by design without limits, then you are happy to do this work for the rest of your life. We suggest that you do this through the structure of thought leaders practice model resisting the urge to create a business or the need to get a job. It's not for everybody but it might be just right for you?

You are paid to think and share your thoughts with others. These thoughts shared as insights make a difference to the human condition. You don't have to be bound in compromise, you are free of dogma, and you have the ways and means to say 'yes' to what you want and 'no' to what you don't want. Your life becomes one continual act of service, inspiring others to rise up, and take charge of their lives and businesses. You love what you do so much you never need to take a vacation as you are living in your vocation. You do of course, but now, every day, including your vacations are an expression of your deep aspiration to serve the world by sharing your insights. Insights forged from the alchemy of your lived experience and created from the three elements; who you are, what you have done, and what you have learned along the way. You work 50-200 days a year and earn $500,000 to $1,500,000 with one or maybe two staff. You do work you love, with people you like, the way you want. Over the next decade, you become more fully self-expressed in service to others and rewarded for the contributions you make. Investing your earnings in capital growth assets you achieve financial freedom in under 10 years. 
Now let's make that your reality!
If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.
Matt Church
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