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Matt Church - Founder

Matt Church is the founder and creator of Thought Leaders. In 1997 on a work trip to Hong Kong Matt had a vision for what has now become the Global Thought Leaders movement. Matt is an author of many leadership books all working on the premise that when you choose leadership and identify as such you contribute to making the world a better place. Matt continues to teach and support leaders across all domains of influence to capture, package and deliver what they know in service to others.

2 min read

The Source of Insights

Here are the twelve questions that may help you deepen your insights into any idea.

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1 min read

Strong, Not Wrong

Next time you find yourself thinking you carry a certain 'negative' trait, you might like to see it as a strength.

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job v business v practice

1 min read

The Third Choice

We always have more choices than we first thought.

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3 min read

Life by Design

Here are some questions and thoughts to help you live an intentional life and run a practice by design

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2 min read

Women of Power

Here is to the powerful women in our families and lives. May we support them, honour them, and celebrate them. No time to read the blog? You can...

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3 min read

The Three Moments

If you can’t spot the moments, you miss the money.

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2 min read

Begin As You Intend to End

So much energy at this time of year around setting goals and having intentions. A lot of the self-help and personal development spaces give plenty of...

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2 min read

Wrong and Right

There are things that are initially right but ultimately wrong and vice versa. Wrong and right itself as a distinction being deeply subjective.

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3 min read

Maybe Don't Quit Yet

It's a privilege to be able to choose how we work and live for many don't have that choice. For a great majority of people in the world, making ends...

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1 min read

Awesome V Awful

When we wake up to a new reality (awareness), we can often be overwhelmed by our past ignorance and as such move very quickly from denial to despair...

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Your top line menu

1 min read

Your Top Line Menu

An exercise you might find useful is to think through your practice through a website top menu metaphor. This is something that can then become...

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My Opinion on Opinions

2 min read

My Opinion on Opinions

The key is to realise that having an opinion is a key way we manage our path through the world. Opinions and thoughts create meaning and give our...

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