Up and Out, Down and In

We have to be both 'up and out' at times and then 'down and in the work' at other times.

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As thought leaders running commercially successful thought leaders practices, we need to ride the elevator of perspective. Sometimes the work we do is high-level meta-thinking and other times it's deeply practical applications. To do this well, we have to be both 'up and out' at times and then 'down and in the work' at other times. And sometimes, of course, you are running both almost simultaneously. 
Up and out work has an abstractive, stepped-back quality. Almost detached, you are sensing patterns, making connections, and reading the energy in a room. This is not about being aloof but at times you are apart. Do this without a sense of grounded reality though and you are distant, cold and ultimately ineffective. You become almost academically theoretical. For a practice to be commercially successful, your insights need to make a noticeable difference. They need to have a utility to them. Down and In is this practical bias for implementation. 
So go up and out for clarity but then drop down and in for utility. Link it all through perspectives and send naughts delivered in a relevant, meaningful and engaging way and you have a formula for making more money and making a bigger difference through your work.
You got this...
Matt Church
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