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Matt Church - Founder

Matt Church is the founder and creator of Thought Leaders. In 1997 on a work trip to Hong Kong Matt had a vision for what has now become the Global Thought Leaders movement. Matt is an author of many leadership books all working on the premise that when you choose leadership and identify as such you contribute to making the world a better place. Matt continues to teach and support leaders across all domains of influence to capture, package and deliver what they know in service to others.

2 min read

The World Needs You

Write that book, deliver that TED talk, build a world-class system around the intellectual property that exists at the intersection of what you know,...

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4 min read

Pressure to Perform

Change your relationship to the pressure, don't let pressure change your life. No time to read the blog? You can listen to it here The direct nature...

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2 min read

When Your Practice Feels Like Work

The distinction we make between a job, a business and a practice is central to the labour of love, liberation model that sits behind running a...

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2 min read

It's Never Really About the Money

What drives you to do what you do?

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2 min read

Trust the Process

We have a saying within our Business School that you need to trust the process. This is not unique to us as many developmental programs suggest that...

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2 min read

Can't Not Do

What is that thing, as a thought leader, that you can’t not do? This double negative is intentional. Try to resist the urge to rewrite it to "can do"...

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2 min read

Selling You is Different

There are lots of ways to do business. We teach two clear ways that a thought leader can be commercially smart in a practice: The first is going for...

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1 min read

Know Your Worth, Be of Service, Get Paid

Commercial conviction removes the need to be convincing. Historically, selling has been presented as a series of sales techniques and negotiation...

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1 min read

Discounting Days

We teach thought leaders to be commercially smart with their practices. Discounting then becomes one of the topics that comes up all the time. Here...

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2 min read


I don't love the use of guarantees when it comes to a Thought Leaders practice. If I were a watchmaker, I could guarantee the watch you buy from me...

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2 min read

Truth is Truth

As a thought leader, you may have a moment of understanding where you seemingly discover a great idea, think it's unique, only to discover it already...

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1 min read

Alone Together or Together Alone

The game of being a thought leader is one of standing out and not fitting in. As such, you might have a tendency to be an outlier perhaps even a...

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