Wrong and Right

There are things that are initially right but ultimately wrong and vice versa. Wrong and right itself as a distinction being deeply subjective.

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There are things that are initially right but ultimately wrong and vice versa. Wrong and right itself as a distinction being deeply subjective.
Let's start with 'WR'.
As children' we set up survival strategies that keep us safe and alive. These strategies themselves, such as 'don't trust other people' work very well in childhood abuse scenarios, not so well when that child becomes an adult raising a family. It was the wrong strategy at the right time. These wrong rights can be dropped now as you evolve beyond the situations that created them.
What strategies have you developed to get through life? 
How did they serve you?
Can you celebrate the self that created them and with love thank it for getting you to this point?
Now does it still serve you?
It was the wrong strategy but it was right at the time.
Thinking this way helps you grow strong, not wrong. My friend Andrew Deering often says: Instead of thinking wrong and right, perhaps you can ask, "Is it useful?" So simple, so good.
Now let's look at 'RW' right wrong.
There are things that are right on paper but super wrong in reality. A deal or commercial opportunity might make all the sense in the world, looking at it in a logical and rational way it appears that you would be mad to move on it and do the deal. Except...that there is a feeling deep in your gut that as right as this deal is, it's not right for you and perhaps not right, right now. It looks right but is so wrong. Trust your gut, listen to your heart, the way forward is not always through the head. 
What is your gut telling you about this?
Even if it stacks up on paper, how do you feel?
What honours you in this?
Are you choosing from joy intentionally?
Or is there an obligation or something else influencing you?
Sensing and feeling into the right wrongs helps you make sense of why there is a nagging voice or niggling feeling just out of your thinking mind's field of perception. Listen to it, sometimes the seemingly right things are totally wrong.
As thought leaders, we are choosing to do work we love, with people we like, the way we want. This frame guides all we do as we build a life and practice by design. Intentionally choosing more of what we want and removing the things we don't want. In doing this, we begin to shape a labour of love. 
Most people in the world have jobs, a few have careers, fewer again will find their vocation. This, the work of running a thought leaders practice, is a way to be more in love with what you do. As such, you will make choices that put you on the path to living a life on the path less travelled.  
In all your work today and into the rest of this week, let's all try to
Lead with love
Teach with courage
Be free now

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.


Matt Church

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