Making Space

To run a commercially successful, consciously led practice as a thought leader, we must focus on delivering remarkable experiences. 


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The Thought Leaders model has you deliver insights as a speaker, author, trainer, coach, mentor, and facilitator. We unpack these six delivery channels as modes or methods.

These modes flow across three directions; Telling, Showing, and Asking. You can see that represented in the model below.

Mode Model 2

The tell modes are about filling space. You speak from the stage using stories, examples, and case studies to bring your ideas to life.

The ask modes are all about framing a space. As a facilitator, you establish a context for your room. Maybe it's a safe space for disclosure or a framework to allow a robust conversation.

The show modes, particularly as a mentor, are about bringing your experience to a series of challenges or opportunities. You hold space for the other to grow, move and explore.

I recently made a fundamental shift from a speaker who mentors to a mentor who speaks, and in this shift, I have been relishing space holding over space filling. After decades as a motivational speaker and leadership expert, it is an absolute pleasure to hold space for those I serve to grow as they impact and, yes, make more income doing work they love.

As an expert, are you developing your tell, show, ask? If not, consider that speakers and authors fill in the space. Mentors and trainers hold space, and coaches and facilitators establish space.

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With love,

Matt Church SIGNATURE UNDERLINE BLACK transparent bgrnd (1)

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  1. Get a copy of our book The Thought Leaders Practice. Request a copy here.
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  3. Join our online Business School and start making money as you make an impact with the work you were born to do on the planet.  Join our next discovery session.

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