Why I Do What I Do

So why would I put aside my desire to change the world through my practice to lead a team of amazing people that run the programs that Thought Leaders offers?


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I have been asked many times over the past three years why am I so committed to Thought Leaders Business School.

While navigating a pandemic, why have I dedicated so much of my time and effort to something that is outside my practice?

Everyone at Thought Leaders turns up with something inside them. Some urge or desire or change that they want to make happen in the world. That is one of the reasons it is such an extraordinary community.

A room (virtual or with actual carpet!) full of people who are all ‘up to something’, who all have a glint in their eye knowing that they have the ability to change an industry, a vocation, or a behaviour that might change people's lives is an amazing room to experience.

I am no different to anyone else at Thought Leaders. I am filled with the possibility to make a difference. Mine is to help people to lead magnificent lives and to run extraordinary businesses. And while I have held the position of CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of Thought Leaders for the past two years, I still consider myself a student of Thought Leaders Business School. I am still learning from the curriculum and from those around me. I am still developing my IP, still strengthening my conviction, and still refining my message for the world.

So why would I put aside my desire to change the world through my practice to lead a team of amazing people that run the programs that Thought Leaders offers?

Because I get to be part of something so much bigger than me. Because I get to witness people's lives changing.

Last week, I got to watch one of the students at Thought Leaders Business School reach Black Belt. Over the past year, we have had a higher number of students reach Black Belt than ever before. It's incredible watching people achieve this level of achievement.

This one was different. I got to watch the entire process. A person that I first met in May 2018 and convinced to ‘check out business school’. Someone that I saw who had a fire in his belly and a desire to be more.

He joined Thought Leaders in August that year as a ‘white belt’. He had everything he needed. He had the desire, he had the commitment, and he was prepared to work. He was welcomed into the community with open arms. A good human who was hungry to learn. And learn he did. He turned up, he leant in. He was an incredible example of tenacity and grit.

He chopped the wood, he built a fire, he stayed in the fire even when it got hot! He stoked and fed the coals and created a constant heat that others started turning up for. He made people warm. The glow of what he has achieved is visible.

Four years later, everything has changed. He is a different man. He has more conviction, he believes in his abilities and he has a community who see him. The way he is seen by others is beautiful. He told me in 2018 he wanted to make his family proud. On Friday the 25th of March - on his birthday - the day he was put onto this planet, he made himself proud. He reached his goal!

And that is why I will continue to give so much of my time, my energy, and my life to Thought Leaders Business School. Because I get to sit in the privileged position of watching people change. Of watching people grow, develop, and transform themselves.

There isn’t much better than that!

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next information session.

Lisa O'Neill

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