In a commercially successful thought leader's practice, You matter. You are the business. Make sure managing your mindset is front of mind.
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Once a quarter, our Business School (a high-performance program for people wanting to speak, write, and teach what they know commercially) runs a mindset masterclass. This session reminds us that mindset is critical when running a thought leaders' practice.
"It's your mojo that sets the stage for everything you do!"
When your head is in the game, and you feel on top of things, you see the world through a possibility lens. Your self-talk is better, your creative flow is on point, and you keep 'being of value to others' front of mind. Doubt disappears, and fear takes a back seat—any sense of impostor syndrome or 'not good enough' abates.
While the benefits of the mindset masterclass are undoubtedly personal, we want to emphasize its profound impact on your commercial game. At the Business School, we don't just focus on personal development; we teach that you can significantly enhance commercial gains by shifting things personally.
A mantra you will hear in the School is that it's not a personal development program. This is usually shared (wryly) when someone has had an individual breakthrough that significantly impacts their business.
A practice is very personal for the simple reason that you, as the principal talent in the practice, are the one delivering the value. Your name ( is literally on the front door.
Three Mindset Mojo ideas:
In a commercially successful thought leader's practice, You matter. You are the business. Make sure managing your mindset is front of mind.
Some ways we can help?