Thought Leaders Blog

Your Three Jobs

Written by Matt Church - Founder | 16 February 2023

Our curriculum teaches that a thought leader has three jobs: to think, to sell, and to share what they know.


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This means that you want to get help as soon as possible for anything else you do that isn't one of these three roles. Imagine you are a brain surgeon and with that as a lens, start to question anytime you are managing appointments, paying bills, or ordering anaesthetic.

Try to ask with every action; Does this really need doing? Does it need to be done by me? And if so, by when? And if not, by who?

It also means that you should spend your time doing the three things: thinking, selling, and sharing.

When it comes to the thinking, you should start by first consuming content voraciously. Listen surgically to other points of view. As you read, watch, and listen, don't just listen for what is said but also for what you think about what is being shared. Every piece of consumed content then becomes a thought-starter for your own point of view. Attribute the source honourably as you curate, aggregate, and create insights worth sharing.

We teach that selling as a thought leader is not about convincing people that they should buy you but rather standing in the conviction that what you share adds to the human condition at work and in life. Your expertise is always made accessible in direct proportion to the empathy you have for the other. And the relationship between making money and delivering engaging, relevant, and meaningful content is unquestionable.

There are so many ways to share your thoughts today, and so many people with opinions to share. It's easy to confuse your content as a marketing strategy and your commercially shared insights. We teach in our business school that live online and in-person offerings are the bread and butter of your commercially successful Thought Leaders Practice. Coach, train, speak, and facilitate live experiences around what you know and financial success is achievable. Don't focus too early on passive, online, or published solutions. These are the modern-day get-rich schemes and in the early days, they take you away from the right livelihood that sustains a living your life by design, commercially successful thought leaders practice.

As always remember, the world needs you free and thinking so share your thoughts.