Thought Leaders Blog

Creating Your Next 12 Months

Written by Lisa O'Neill - CEO | 19 December 2021

I love this time of year. It’s the time that I take to get a head start on the New Year. I like to imagine my next year before it arrives. To sit in what is possible for the next 12 months. I like to start with a clean slate.

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When my children were young I used to do an annual decluttering of their bedrooms. We would remove everything from their bedroom and then discuss what was going back in. We would talk about who they were stepping into - what the next 12 months looked like for them and who they wanted to be. It gave them permission to change and grow. It gave them an opportunity to consciously redesign themselves for the year ahead.

I love this idea for your work life. What do you want out of next year? Imagine you have a fresh pad of paper with 365 new pieces of paper laid out in front of you. 365 opportunities! Imagine using those to do work you love, with people you like, the way you want. Running a practice will give you that. You could finally start selling your ideas to the world. You could work with industries you have always dreamed of transforming!

What would you like to be known for?
If you could be an expert in anything, what would it be? Try saying out loud “I am an expert in ....” Talk into your future!

What is your category?
How would you describe the work that you do? This is not the time to be super clever. Make it as basic as possible. It needs to be something that everyone you talk to would understand. It's highly likely that it is not something you love to be labeled! This is about other people's understanding, not you positioning yourself. ie; Personal Development, Leadership, Productivity.

What is your big word?
This holds you to the centre of who you are. It is not set for life and should iterate and change over time.
What are you about? What word unifies your ideas and goals? Clusters?

What is your commercial angle?
What sets you apart from others? What differentiates you from other people and competitors in your market?

So many questions!

So many opportunities await you in 2023.

If you would like to take advantage of our end-of-year offer to learn the Thought Leaders Curriculum over the next six months - click here to join for $1000 (usually $1500!)

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year,

Lisa O'Neill