Thought Leaders Blog


Written by Lisa O'Neill - CEO | 3 March 2021
We are dealing with another lockdown in New Zealand. Things we were certain about last week suddenly became uncertain. Things got cancelled. Things changed.

If I have learnt anything over the past 12 months it is what I can be certain about. I am certain of my ability to solve problems. I am certain I can handle whatever life throws at me. I am certain the world has changed forever and we have to do the best we can, when we can, with what we can.

Having an inner certainty is important in times like these. Reminding yourself how amazing you are and all the incredible things you have survived is a useful daily activity. So many of us have survived things that we thought we couldn’t. Look at you surviving!

Creating certainty is an important part of running a Practice. 

What clients are you certain about? 
  • Who has been with you the longest?
  • Who do you love to work with?
  • Who do you make the most money from?
What IP are you certain of?
  • What problems are you certain you can solve?
  • What is your ‘best work’?
  • What is your most commercial IP?
What modes are you certain you can deliver?
  • What is the mode you have the most experience in?
  • What mode could you improve in?
  • What mode could create a new revenue stream for you?
What are you certain is missing from your Practice?
  • Do you have the support you need?
  • What systems and structures would make a difference to your productivity?
  • Do you have a 90 day and 12 month plan for think, sell and deliver?
What are you certain about in yourself?
  • I am certain that I can survive anything that happens to me.
  • I am certain that looking after myself emotionally and physically are the secrets to being well and wonderful.
  • I am certain that surrounding myself with inspiring like minded people is the very tonic for times like these!

If you want to learn more about Thought Leaders Business School, join us at our next discovery session.

If you've thought about attending one of our discovery sessions but haven't managed to make it yet, you can watch the replay of our last session here.


Lisa O'Neil